Saturday, June 22, 2019


Iam so lacking in motivation at the moment so it is good when I join the girls for some stitching
Thanks Wendy for this weeks motivation
I didn't get a lot done, but at least I picked it up
Working on my Girls Day Out

I am looking after Sam every second Friday
We have such fun and I love having him
Took him to the park and after sliding down the slide with him he wanted more, trying to climb to the top
He only liked the slide though and we did it until I had had enough  He's so young and I'm so old LOL


  1. Good to see you are working on your block. The little ones have so much energy don't

  2. A little bit is better than in the park, nothing better....

  3. Some stitching is good. Little people certainly keep you on the go....he's a cutie xx

  4. Lovely to enjoy a little stitching..
    What fun to look after Sam. He sure is a goer....

  5. My name is Sandra but everyone calls me Sam and my grandson Sam was named after me. What a cutie he is and you can't be that old if you have a grandson that young! I know what you mean...I want to sew but the yard and the gardening and the cooking and the the end of the day I just want to put my feet up and it's hard to run that machine from my bed! LOL! I've gone to cross stitch for handwork at night. ThatGirl's Day Out is so it part of a quilt or is it a wall hanging? Either way it is precious!

  6. It is nice to make progress on a long term project. Enjoy your days with Sam.

  7. Lovely looking center block. It's just too funny that we are both working on it unbeknown to the other until recently.
    Time spent with little ones is just so enjoyable...
    tiring but enjoyable...xox

  8. hahaha SNAP between you and Chez! both blocks look amazing.. I'm at sandwich stage.....uuurgh! I'd love to have an ounce of Sam's energy....they tend to go forever don't they? xox sugary hugs beautiful :o)

  9. Nothing like a toddler to keep us young .... or remind us that youth is fleeting! Lol! Glad you were able to touch a quilting pro!ject
