Thursday, March 24, 2011


I have been getting up very early these past few weeks to drive grandson to catch a ride to Trade School
Yesterday morning ,after a night of very heavy, very constant rain , we could not get out of our drive way due to the water across the road
By 8.30 it had receded enough for us to get out, but only in hubbys four wheel drive
Very unusual for our part of the world
Our house is on the top of a hill so we were fine .but some of the neighbours werent so lucky
They are all saying how bad it must have been for the people of Qld and Northern Victoria who were much worse off than them , even though some have them have extensive damage
Grandson was two hours late for Trade School and of course missed his ride so I drove him all the way and waited for him to finish at 4.00pm
No real hardship as I got to visit my new "great grandchild "
in hospital
She is not really my grandchild but her Mum has decided thats what Iam to be
Lorraines husband Jim's son and daughter in law had a beautiful baby girl on Tuesday morning Lorraine was looking forward to being a step grandmum
The babies name is Kittie Elizabeth Jaine
Jane is her Mums name but they chose to spell it this way for My Aine
I was delighted that they chose to do this

Isnt she cute?
Iam making the applique quilt for her bed once she gets into one of course
I have plenty of time to get it finished
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Monday, March 21, 2011

Half an album completed

It turned out to be quite a good day yesterday
I did get a bit emotional but it helped that there were other people around
There are so many gorgeous photos of the wedding
My photography skills are not the best, but I hope you can see a little of what I completed
It did help me feel closer to her
Today Iam working in the garden
Just taking a little break
Iam spreading woodchips
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Saturday, March 19, 2011


Tomorrow I will be attending National Scrap booking Day
It will be very emotional for me as I will be working on a wedding album for Jim
When Lorraine got married in 2009 I did a wedding album for myself
We were all ways going to work on doing her album together but some how she just never had the energy to do it
A few weeks prior to her leaving us she said " Mum I think you had best do my album for Jim "
So tomorrow I will start This album
I havent been able to bring myself to do it ,So hopefully tomorrow I will make a good start on it
I have some lovely photos to work with and some lovely memories to go with them
It was the happiest day of her life
A few weeks prior to the wedding , she was told that the cancer had spread and she had a brain tumour
She had 13 months of happiness as Jims wife
We miss her so much
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Friday, March 18, 2011

A Little Applique

I havent been Blogging much of late
Iam struggling to get on with my life It is very hard
When I first started Blogging I kinda used the writing to help me with my feelings , then Lyn and all the wonderful Bloggers made me the beautiful support quilts
A friend asked me at the time what I wrote on my blog to make people feel so sorry for me that they made the quilts for me
I didnt want people to feel sorry for me so I havent been writing so much about my loss
The other day while reading a friends Blog she wrote how much writing it down helped her, so I have decided I will do a bit more of that It doesnt matter if no one reads it If it helps me then I will do it
I have been doing a bit of applique
I enjoy it
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